Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mama Leaver Part 2

After laying him on my chest I remember just being so amazed. They then took him to weigh and check him out. I don't remember a lot after that, just watching Dan take pictures of him and then talking to the doctor who was stitching me up-LOL. He weighed in at 8lbs 1 oz, was 21.5 in long, and had a head of 14.5 in diameter. After hearing that my mom said to me "you go girl!" :) I had a big head but his was bigger...although she delivered me without any meds! It seemed like they were over in the baby nook for a long time but Dan brought him over to me just a few minutes later. I just remember staring at him and being amazed that he was here, I had delivered him, AND he was a BOY. We had talked about three different names but never really decided on a boy name (probably because we were convinced he was a girl)...the three possible names were Carter Daniel, Noah Daniel, and Nathaniel James. The two front runners were Carter and Noah. I've always loved Noah but Carter had really grown on us. When we looked at him he just didn't look like a Noah-so finally after about 30 minutes, he was named Carter Daniel!

Time passed and eventually there was just me, Dan, and Carter. The nurse came in to help me start breastfeeding. Carter was a pro-after about 5 minutes and a little help from the nurse, he started eating away (and hasn't stopped since). I was starving so I ordered food from the hospital and my mom went out to Dunkin for her and Dan. At some point I realized I had to pee-big time! They were concerned about me getting up already because of the epidural but my legs were fine and I HAD to go! Plus, I wanted to get up so I could be moved up to the regular room. We finally were told we could move up to the room and the nurse came in with the biggest wheelchair I have ever seen in my life-it was almost as big as a loveseat. LOL. We all made our way up to the room and got set up. The adrenaline started to wear off and soon we were all asleep. My aunt Karen stopped by after her work shift, my mom and Chuck came back, and then our friends Jay, Jeannie, Todd, and Karen came by-bringing gifts of Diet Cherry Limeades from Sonic! :) (and note that Karen was still pregnant at this time...about a week late at this point...poor girl!) We finally got to bed and had a pretty good first night. Carter was in the room with us and I think they woke us up about 5 times during the night for various things-to check me, to check him, to make sure he ate, etc. I did have to set my alarm clock to make sure that I fed him because he wouldn't wake up and cry for food. He has been a great sleeper since the beginning!

The next day was Sunday and it was a great day overall. I felt like a new woman with some sleep and then a glorious shower! My mom and Chuck came with donuts from Dunkin, Rebecca came to visit to meet Carter, Connie and Randy visited as well, and we watched the Bills game on the computer (they lost, what a surprise). Carter had his circumcision at 1:00 that day (poor baby) but did well. Around 6:00 my Dad, Carolyn, and Dan's parents made it from NY. They visited for a few hours before heading back to our house for the night. Carter ended up having a rough night-we think just from being in pain from the circumcision. I know they took him to the nursery at one point and we got about an hours sleep-which helped big time. The next morning we prepared to go home and were released around 11:00 am. My Dad and Carolyn came to the hospital to help get all of our "stuff" home-we don't travel light and had received many gifts.

It was almost surreal leaving the hospital-they really were allowing us to take him home with us?? Crazy! We drove VERY SLOWLY home but made it there safe and sound! Rebecca surprised us with some cute decorations outside the house and inside on the fireplace (so sweet)! We also had flowers and some other gifts waiting for us (we are soooo blessed)! It was so nice to be home-although I do have to admit that I enjoyed being in the hospital-order whatever food I wanted, lay around in a bed that moves up and down, have the nurses take care of you, and feel "protected" by being in the hospital-knowing that the nurses would be there if something went wrong or if I had a question/concern. But, we made it through and had four extra set of hands for a week! I don't think Carter laid down to sleep except at night! He was held ALL DAY by one of the grandparents or us! :) It was really nice having them there for us during that time.

Carter went to his first doctors appointment on the Tuesday after he was born (day 4)...we loved Dr. Samarel and he gave Carter a great report. We ran a few errands (although we didn't take Carter into any stores, one of us stayed in the car with him) and it was just nice to be out in the "real world" again. Over the next two and a half weeks we went out with him multiple times. Dan and I joked that we were an old retired couple with a newborn. We went out walking because we had beautiful weather, we visited people, we went to the mall (on a Thursday during the day to avoid major crowds), and when he was two weeks old we went to church for the first time. He slept through the entire service! Even during the music! :) Everyone commented on how cute he was-which of course we already knew! ;)

He grew so much so quickly and we saw changes in him each and every day. There is not a day that goes by that Dan and I don't thank God for Carter. He is such a blessing to us and we are utterly and hopelessly in love with him. I can honestly say that I love where he is at right now-so many parents can't wait for their kids to get to "this stage" or "that stage" but I don't want him to grow up. I know that he has been an "easy" baby overall-he really is a chill child but I have enjoyed these past 11 weeks so much. I know that he has to grow up and I look forward to when he will smile all the time, talk, walk, etc. but I don't want to wish away any stage-good or bad. Every day is precious and I want to savor every moment.

Our life is so different now but at the same time it's like he has been a part of our life forever. We talk about random things "BC-before Carter" and "AC-after Carter"-LOL. I love him so much and love being a mom more than I could have ever imagined!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Mama Leaver-part 1

Well, 5 weeks and 2 days ago my world changed. Carter Daniel Leaver entered this world nine days early on 11/12/11 at 9:30am. Here is our story...

After dinner with friends on 11/11/11 my back began hurting while we were sitting around and talking. It continued to hurt as Dan and I made our way back home and relaxed on the couch. Dan tried all the massage tricks that he knew but nothing was helping. I laid in crazy positions on the couch and eventually in bed to try and alleviate the pain. Dan suggested that we call the doctor but I wasn't having any stomach contractions and my back pain wasn't coming in any regular waves. Dan really thought that we would be going to the hospital sometime that night so he decided to take a nap. I couldn't sleep so I took a shower and retired back onto the couch. At this point I started to have stomach contractions 4-5 minutes apart but they stopped after 30 minutes. My back pain was HORRIBLE at this time, with shooting pain every 2 minutes. I rolled around like a beached whale on the floor of our living room with Golden Girls in the background. :) Finally, I woke Dan up and said "maybe we should call the doc"...I was in tears and wanting to throw up because of my back pain. The doctor called us back within 2 minutes of our call (kudos to Dr. Robinson!) and suggested that we wait to see if my stomach contractions continued but Dan pushed a little because of my back pain. Dr. Robinson then decided if I was in that much pain, that I should just come in.

We already had our bags packed but had some last minute items that needed to be packed. The dog needed to go out (I was convinced that we would be returning home so I didn't want to stop at my moms to drop him off and wake them up). I was nervous about "wasting" the nurses/doctor's time. And the special (aka CALM) way of going to the hospital that you always see on Baby Story on TLC was NOT how it was going down in the Leaver household. It seemed to me that Dan was taking his sweet old time getting dressed and checking our packing list. Every two minutes I would yell out in pain, start crying all over again, and double over in pain. Finally I just grabbed our bags and went outside hoping that would make Dan move faster. Looking back on it, he was moving pretty quick but I was just in SO MUCH PAIN.

On the way to the hospital (it was 1 am I think) I cried and timed my back pain (2 minutes) and my stomach contractions (much weaker pain but there). I still didn't think I would be staying at the hospital. We arrived and made our way up to the maternity ward. The nurses told me that I looked uncomfortable and quizzed me about my pain. We went into the "triage" room to find out if I was actually in labor. I went into the little bathroom to get changed and ended up crying because I couldn't figure out how to snap up the ultra cool gown. I had to have the nurse come in and dress me (I'm sure she wondered how I was going to take care of a baby if I couldn't snap up my own gown)-awesome-my first bout of awkward nakedness of the night. They hooked up all the monitors once I got into the bed and checked me for dilation. Surprised, the nurse said "baby girl, I'm impressed! You are 6, almost 7 cm dilated!! You're having a baby today!" Cue total amazement on mine and Dan's faces!

Dan immediately went out to call my mom, his parents, and text my Dad. Side note: at 4:30pm the day before we became an aunt and uncle when my sister in law had her baby boy, Chase. Much to my inlaws surprise, their 2nd grandchild was going to be coming just 17 hours after their first! :) Pretty awesome!

Back to the triage room. Two things came to my mind after I heard how far along I was-1. Could I still get an epidural and 2. Could we get in the antibiotics I needed for the Strep-B? Yes and yes were the answers. We quickly signed some paperwork and then moved to Labor and Delivery Room. I had a mild panic attack when we got settled in there (um, YES, I do have to push out this child). They came in and got my IV started for the antibiotics. When you are Strep-B positive, they want to get two rounds of antibiotics in (4 hours apart) so they do not have to treat the baby after he/she is born. The anesthesiologist came in soon after to do my epidural. I was very nervous about this but our nurse Amy walked us through EVERYTHING that would happen before he got there. She was awesome-just sat down with us for about 20 minutes to help ease my mind. The epidural got in fine (and like my friend Jenny said "epidurals are magical") and my back pain eased and then disappeared. By the time this was in my mom arrived and we found out I was already at 9cm. They did not break my water in hopes that we could finish my IV. I was running on adrenaline and couldn't sleep more than 10 minutes but just sat and talked with my mom as Dan tried to catch some sleep. Around 6 or 6:30 we started the second round of antibiotics. Amy talked to us about the possibility that our baby might be "sunny side up" which means that the face of the baby is facing up toward the stomach instead of toward the back. This would explain my back labor and would probably mean that I would have a little more difficulty delivering. I wasn't having much urge to push at this point but feeling a little more pressure down lower. I was starting to notice that I could feel a "hot spot" near my left hip (a spot where the epidural did not "take") and was feeling dull pain. At 7:00ish Dr. Robinson came in to check me to see if we wanted to break my water and start pushing!

Dr. R walked in with a coffee cup and greeted all of us. Cue awkward naked moment #2. There I was and he just leaned against the cabinets directly across from me to start making small talk with everyone. Hmmm. He then walked over, put on a glove, picked up his coffee again, and checked me for dilation. Then he got the tool used for breaking the water and WITH HIS COFFEE CUP STILL IN HIS HAND, broke my water. (Side note: this was the creepiest feeling ever....and my panic attack #2 because I REALLY had to deliver a baby since the water was broken). Dr. R returned back to cabinet leaning and talked to my mom about doctors/people they both know. My contractions backed off for awhile, making it very awkward for me as I waited to do SOMETHING than just lay there with my legs up in the stirrups! Finally a contraction came and I started pushing. We did a few rounds of that and then Dr. R left for home. His shift was done and Dr. Rowland would be delivering Carter later that day. I continued pushing for two hours (which honestly felt like 30 minutes). The baby was coming down but couldn't get under my pelvic bone. My hot spot was KILLING me and the pain was getting worse every contraction. After two hours of pushing, Dr. Rowland stopped me and gave me a choice to make. I could continue to push for another 30 minutes and she figured the baby would come out (but she was concerned that I was getting too tired) or we could use the suction to help the baby come out and he/she would probably get out in three more contractions. Dan and I never even considered this and I was concerned about using the suction. I asked about the cons of using it and was told that he/she would have a perfectly round bruise on the top of their head and they would be at a slightly higher risk of jaundice. My hot spot was the deciding factor-it was really starting to affect my ability to push and I did not want to get into a situation that I couldn't finish and would have to get a c-section. We decided to use the suction. All of a sudden there were about 7 more people in the room, all moving around preparing things. It was like they just appeared from nowhere! Dr. Rowland inserted the suction and I started to push again with the next contraction. All of a sudden I felt immense pressure and could tell that the head was under the bone. My mom and Dan said that it was very weird to see the doctor working the suction instrument-she even had to put the bed lower so she could pump and pull on it more. I think it was exactly three contractions before he popped out. Before the last push I remember saying "I can't do it" but the nurses urged me to continue on without stating the obvious-you HAVE to do it! :)

The baby's head came out (yes, sunny side up) and then the body. Immediately the pressure was gone and the immense pain in my hot spot disappeared (we think he was laying on a nerve). They said "congratulations, it's a BOY" reaction? "REALLY?!?!?" Dan and I both felt that we were having a girl but he was definitely a boy! :) Dan cut the cord (after dropping the scissors because his hands were shaking so bad) and then they laid him on my chest/stomach. It was amazing! Our perfect little boy was finally here.

I will continue this story a little bit later....our little boy is hungry right now! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A little overwhelming...

So, it is starting to hit me that I am going to be a mom in 5 months. A MOM. And then in 7-8 months, I am going to be a working mom. A WORKING MOM. Oh my...

I'm realizing that I have been slacking in taking care of the house. I'm not as good as I once was with filing papers/bills/receipts...I let things build up before taking care of them...and that is just not going to fly once this little baby is here. I know that some of this is happening because I've been so tired in my first trimester and so much has been going on with the house and at work. But, I'm going to have to figure something out before this baby arrives or I might go crazy once I return to work!

If anyone has any suggestions on making a transition to mom/working mom PLEASE SHARE!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The best thing about the Fall

For some, it's the return of school-with new clothes, new sneakers, new teachers, and new school supplies. For others it's the changing of the leaves and cooler nights. Others begin to look forward to the holiday season. Bands around the country are in "the trenches" right now-working and practicing to get their shows clean for the upcoming competitions...

Now, I enjoy all those things...I really do...but the thing I enjoy the most?

FOOTBALL STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not only do Dan and I religiously go to watch the Bills play each Sunday at a restaurant near our home but now I'm involved in Fantasy Football. I'm slightly obsessed. :) As I type this, I'm watching the first game of this 2008-2009 season. Eli is my quarterback and I've already figured out that he has got me 12 points just in the first quarter! Keep going Eli...keep on keeping on!!!! I have my title to defend...I was the Beyond Newlyweds Sunday School Class Fantasy Football Champion last year! :)

So, as the Fall takes over....enjoy what you may...but the questions remains---ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL???!!!!????

GO BILLS! AND GO TEAM "I HEART BAND"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

So hard on myself...

There are so many days that I am so content with who I am...with who I've become...not by my own strength...but through God and through the circumstances I have gone through in my life. I look back and I know that I'm stronger because A, B, and C all happened-even though they were so hard at the time! I know that trials help develop perserverance and I really do appreciate them eventually.

But there are so many times that I just can't be happy with what I've accomplished. And this weekend is one of those times. As of a year ago, I couldn't run a 1/2 mile without literally feeling like I was going to die. That was about 7 minutes of running. I couldn't do it. I remember going to the gym and "working up" to running a was awesome. So fast foward a year...I have run an 8K (4.97 miles) in 30 degree weather and snowing...and just yesterday I ran a 10K (6.2 miles) in 80+ weather, 80% humidity. I finished...and I'm not dead right now! :) My neck hurts (I pulled something somehow) and my ankle hurts (there were CRAZY steep hills) but I did it!

But, am I really proud of myself? No, not really. Because I ran much slower than I wanted to, I finished about 10 minutes longer than I was hoping for, and because I was 5th from last. Why am I so down on myself? Why can't I be happy about this accomplishment? It's huge. I'm so much stronger, I'm thinner (15 lbs since last year!), and I took on something that has always been my nemisis--AND I DID IT. But, as I bawled in Dan's arms last night I realized that this is me. I've always been a perfectionist. When I used to score 100s at All County/State tryouts I would cry over stuff I could have done better. It would push me, it would teach me, and I realized...that's just who I am.
Me and Luci-pre race
Me & luci coming to the end...Luci for the 2nd time
Me after its over...I'm drenched!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Once in a lifetime, I hope...

Today Dan and I went to a funeral service for a 3 day old baby. I can only hope and pray that I will never have to do that again...

I know that Caroline Elizabeth is in the Father's hands and that she is feeling no pain. That is the hope that her parents and family can hold on to during this horrible time.

To those of you who have prayed for her and her parents, I thank you for your faithfulness. P & L are going to need your prayers more than ever right now as they deal with the questions and emotion that comes along with this kind of sorrow. When I saw them today, they just looked worn and numb. I pray that we will be shown how to show mercy, compassion, and love to this family.

Jesus please begin to mend their hearts and souls....and take care of Caroline Elizabeth-their special angel.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

His will

So, today one of our beloved teachers was honored for her service in our district. She is the chorus teacher at one of the schools that I teach at. She has become a dear friend to me and I have been honored to teach with her for the past 2 years. She told the story of how she got into teaching and how she ended up in Fort Mill. She also told us how she knew it was time to retire. Although the circumstances changed and situations were different-there was one constant-God and following His will for her life.

She can be happy knowing that it is her time to leave teaching because she knows without a doubt that it is God's will for her to retire this year. She knows that He has big plans for her during this new chapter of her life and she can rest in the knowledge that He is walking before her and making a path for her to follow. He has never let her down-and I know that He never will.

I hope and pray that when it is my time to leave this profession-whether its 30 years from now, 5 years from now, or 50 years from now, I pray that I will have that same peace and clear understanding of His will in my life.

May I live a life of faith that I don't miss His voice in my life-whether its about retiring, family, friends, career, children, whatever may come my way....